Jonathan Tebes

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I am an Assistant Research Professor of Economics in the Economics Department at the University of Notre Dame and the Wilson Sheehan Lab for Economic Opportunities (LEO). I work primarily on topics in labor economics related to policing and criminal justice, education (outside the classroom), economic mobility, and racial inequality

I have examined how reforms to stop-and-frisk in NYC affected crime and high school engagement, racial bias in officers' stopping decisions,  mentorship programs for urban high school students, and civic responses to police violence. 

Currently, I'm working on several quasi-experimental and randomized evaluations that explore the following questions:

I have also been an NSF Graduate Research Fellow, a Stone Scholar in Harvard's Inequality & Social Policy Program, and a Horowitz Foundation Awardee

If you'd like to learn more about me, you check out my CV here

If you'd like to connect, shoot me an email at jtebes at or find me on Twitter @jonathan_tebes.